Thursday, November 22, 2012

How to make homemade Nerds Ropes

What you'll need:
  • 4 boxes of Nerds
  • Two bags of gummy bears
  • a rectangular Tupperware container
  • Kitchen sheers
  • A damp cloth
  • Wax paper
  • A plate
  • A microwave
  • A fridge
  • A dry towel
  • A sink or bowl of water
  • Two pot holders

1-Take a rectangular Tupperware container and put wax paper inside of it, shaping it around the container

2- Pour box of Nerds into the bottom of the container until covered

3- Put gummy bears on the nerds (try to get as many Nerds covered as possible) I ended up using 1 3/4 bags

4- Microwave for 45 seconds to 1 minute or until the gummy bears are melted. If they bubble some, that's okay! 

5- Take the container out of the microwave and pour the second box of nerds over the melted gummies until completely covered

6- Set two pot holders side by side in the fridge and set the Tupperware container on them. Chill in the fridge for an hour.

7- After chilling, take the Tupperware container out of the fridge and set it on the table or counter top.

8- Take a damp cloth (wrung out well) and place it on the counter or table surface.

9- Take the chilled nerd/gummy concoction out of the Tupperware container, wax paper and all, and set it on top of the damp cloth. Let it sit for a few minutes. (this makes it easier to peel the wax paper off)

9- Cut any excess wax paper away from the chilled nerds to make cutting them easier.

10- Take your last two boxes of nerds and pour them into the now empty Tupperware container. Keep them nearby!

11- Dip the kitchen sheers in a bowl of water or run them under some tap water. This will save you from a sticky mess. 

12- Cut the nerds into strips (one strip at a time) and peel the wax paper off. Try to keep your hands dry, or else you'll have a really gummy mess. It's okay to rinse your hands or dip them in water to get the stickiness off, but dry them after!

13- After peeling the wax paper off of a strip, roll it in the remaining Nerds that you poured into the Tupperware container to cover any exposed gummy areas. I ended up cutting the nerds ropes in half when I did this. Place on a plate and enjoy! 

About Me

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Hey. The name is Stephanie Michelle Pabst. I blog whatever is on my mind. I'm currently going to college to be a writer and someday my name will be known to all readers. I dream big, think big, and strive to change big. I hope that what I write captivates your mind and makes you think twice. I hope to make you smile or bring you to thoughtful tears. I hope to move your heart and heal your soul. All you have to do is read. Oh, and I love you.